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Please join us for the June Gathering Grounds session! We are excited to welcome a panel of direct service providers to share their knowledge and experience.Tasha Pedersen, LCSW (Sun’aq Tribe (Sugpiaq)) currently serves as a Behavioral Health Itinerant Clinician in Kodiak Alaska and delivers tailored care to her community. Jacquelyn Ingram, CPM, LM, IBCLC (Ninilchik Village Tribe (Aleut)) is a Hawai’i state-licensed certified professional midwife and international board-certified lactation consultant, who collaborates with other providers to provide seamless clinical care and social services to both pregnant and non-pregnant people.
We are excited to welcome our guest speaker Tatewin Means (Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota, Oglala Lakota, Inhanktonwan), Executive Director of Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation, for a presentation on Finding Liberation through Healing, Connectedness, and Identity.
Please join us for the April Gathering Grounds session! We are excited to welcome Dr. Shannon Maloney and Katsi Cook for a presentation on Restoring Indigenous Ways of Caring for Pregnancy.
We are excited to welcome back Andrea Medley, Research Associate at the Center for Indigenous Health, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Andrea will be joined by members of the Indigenous Advisory Council, Lee Torres, Arlene Brown, and Pamela Hughes, who will guide us in a discussion centered around their work in support of the Tribal Principles and experiences in substance use/opioid related work.
Please join us for our February Gathering Grounds session featuring a panel discussion on Centering Culture in Practice! We will welcome three direct service providers, Larita Stevens-Anderson, Whitney Chavez, and Chad Pfeiffer to share their experiences and knowledge using culture as prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Please join us for our first session of 2024! We will welcome Miguel Flores Jr. and Dr. Felina Cordova-Marks as guest presenters. Mr. Flores is a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor and a member of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Tohono O'odham Nation. He has a 33-year career in providing behavioral health services, Spiritual Leadership, and Traditional Medicine for The People. Dr. Felina Cordova-Marks (Hopi) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona Zuckerman College of Public Health in the department of Health Promotion Sciences. She is a published author on topics such as, cancer, cardiology, informal health caregiving, mental health, health disparities, and American Indian health.
Seven Directions welcomes you to connect, have fun with, and learn from your community of public health professionals working to address pressing public health concerns in tribal communities. During this year’s session, we are pleased to be able to provide a joint focus on the opioid epidemic in Indian Country along with decolonizing and Indigenizing approaches to data. Our three-day forum provides an opportunity to connect with leading speakers and practitioners in the field while bringing a focus from the theoretical to practical -- sending you home to your community with clear visions to inspire action. In-person Conference with Hybrid Options available.
We are excited to invite our community back for six monthly sessions from January through June. Our next session is May 2nd at 10am PT/1pm ET. We will welcome back Andrea Medley, MPH (Haida Nation) from John Hopkins Bloomberg Institute of Public Health. This is part II of our fall session where we discuss Indigenizing Opioid Litigation Settlements: Co-creating Guidance that Centers Harm Reduction Approaches. In this session we will continue our discussion on Indigenizing Opioid Litigation Settlements to dive deeper. Please reach out to Caelin Marum ( with any questions!
In this special fall session, Andrea Medley (Haida Nation), MPH from theJohns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health provides an overview of the Tribal opioid litigation settlements and leads the group in a discussion to exploreTribally led, culturally sensitive, and community-based approaches to spending this funding.
The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) has been working with the Oregon Health Authority since 2020 to explore, from a tribal perspective, the usefulness and limitations of state-wide survey data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and school-based youth surveys. Join us for a discussion of our initial project findings, including suggestions for providing more culturally-appropriate context in questions and data reporting, the strengths of tribal BRFSS data collection, and how this work fits into a larger discussion of how state-based population health surveys could be updated to better meet the needs of tribes, AI/AN communities, and other communities of color, both in Oregon and across the US.
Join us on June 14th for our Gathering Grounds Session on Tailoring Opioid Use Disorder Prevention & Treatment Efforts for Diverse Groups within Tribal and Urban Indian Settings with Drs. Danielle Eakins and Matthew Town. Read on for more information about sessions and schedules.
During the Our Stories, Our Journeys Information Session we will share the community meeting details, an overview of the project, time commitment, and activities, and provide time to register for the meeting.
Join us on May 10th for our Gathering Grounds Session on The Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care in a Tribal Nation in Minnesota with Dr. Brenna Greenfield. Read on for more information about sessions and schedules.
Join us on April 5th for our Gathering Grounds Session on Developing Tribal System Cohesion; 100% Taos with with Aurora Valdez, MPH. Read on for more information about sessions and schedules.
Join us on March 8th for our Gathering Grounds Session on Opioid Overdose Mapping - An Innovative Way to Mobilize Faster Responses with Tulalip Tribal Members. Read on for more information about sessions and schedules.
We welcome you to join our discusson on centering community and accountability in Indigenous public health with our guests from Whakauae Research for Māori Health and Development and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.
We welcome you to join our session on with the Ho Chunk Nation Department of Health. We will learn how they developed their data dashboard, working across sectors and developing a shared data dictionary.
We are excited to welcome Dr. Amanda R. Tachine to open our series of Gathering Grounds with a talk that represents the power of belonging in Indigenous praxis for community health !