
2022 Gathering Grounds Session: Developing Tribal System Cohesion; 100% Taos (with Aurora Valdez, MPH, Taos Pueblo)

April 5, 2022 10:00 AM

We are excited to welcome Aurora Valdez, MPH (Taos Pueblo) Community Wellness Manager at Taos Pueblos Health & Community Service to our community of practice session this month.  She will share their team and partners’ hard work, passion, and commitment to realize the 100% Tao initiative. The aspiration of this initiative is that 100% of community members have access to quality services and programs along their life course, in order to decrease trauma.  We are excited to hear how their story evolved from the community health assessment to strengthening their internal data infrastructure. She will share how their teams came together, maintain their connection and respond to the community and represent systems cohesion.